Hotel accommodation information for the Couples Empowerment Retreat.
Hotel: Hilton Garden Inn Suffolk Riverfront
Address: 100 East Constance Road, Suffolk, VA 23434
Telephone Number: (757) 925-1300
Name: Couples Empowerment Retreat
Retreat Begin Date: 2024-08-09
Retreat End Date: 2024-08-10
You may stay as many nights as you prefer. You are not required to stay all (2) nights. A discounted rate has been provided for a short period of time. There is no payment due when you make reservations. Payment is due once you arrive at the hotel for check-in. If you plan on staying at the hotel please go ahead and make reservations. Once the discounted rates are gone, if you desire to reserve a room you will have to reserve a room at the summer rates.
Just click the “Reservation” button and that will take you to the website with rates, dates and bed type.
If you want to come in early or stay over on Sunday you will need to call the hotel directly to add the extra days.